Free Organic Farms

"Connecting individuals with the resources to provide for themselves & flourish sustainably"

F.O.F. (Free Organic Farms)

is a fledgling organization dedicated to helping connect
individuals with the basic human right of having space to exist &
the resources to produce their own food, as well as other necessities of life.

How: We use our resources to empower one another with the tools to be sustainable & self reliant.
Sustainability is the foundation for the preservation of our ecosystem & the future of our economy.
Instead of focusing on personal wealth, we invest into expanding our ability to help people acheive sustainability & self reliance.

What: We are working to create a system of community development in which,
people's ability to gain access to life sustaining resources is not dependent on,
how much cash they have on hand, their credit score, or their last 2 years tax returns.
This is a major shift from the conventional reality of home ownership & so,
how we will acheive sustainable growth under this model cannot be quickly explained.
Since this is a brand new project we will be filling in a lot of the blanks as we evolve.

A Brief Explanation: F.O.F. is a service to connect people with farms & homesites in sustainable communities.
F.O.F is also a label. Products produced & sold under the F.O.F. label support the expansion of this project.

We are developing communities in which residents can gain access to homesites & agricultural land without the need for money.
There will be a variety of living situations resulting from this project, from short term primitive camping to long term private residence.
In some cases we will provide campsites &/or homesites in our community developments.
In other cases we will provide no money down, low interest land loans, secured by regional organic production contracts.
The latter being further in the future.

Our flagship community development is begining now in Central Kentucky!

We will be rolling out the project in 3 distinct phases -
Phase 1:
Seed Camp / Early Development

Phase 2: Permanent Residence & Community Development

Phase 3: Community Management, Maintenance & Expansion

Phase 1 - Seed Camp

Seed camp is where we lay the foundation for habitation & use of the site.
Seed camp has some great qualities & some drawbacks
Seed camp is not for everybody.
We will be transforming raw land into habitable space.
Early comers will be part of the input process that shapes this sustainable community development.
This means they will have access to the best sites, early access to available raw materials on the land
& a degree of seniority in matters that effect residents.

It also means, arrriving on a site with no developed resources or personal shelters.
Using primitive skills to develop basic comforts & temporary to permanent dwellings.
Developing shared spaces such as blazing trails, building community kitchens, garden areas, fire pits,
developing water sources, as well as recreational, commercial & emergency resources.

For approximately the first 60 days, or as long as resources allow, we will provide some basic organic provisions.
We will have some staples like dry beans, grains & salt until the farm(s) begin to produce.
If you are not used to living & eating simply you will need to be prepared to provide your own luxuries.

This is a good chance to instantly escape the endless cycle of bills, or the struggle to simply find a place to exist.
Seed camp could be an especially good opportunity for those that have a home on wheels to plug right in,
or unplug, as the case may be & start living off the land.
Or, if you have ever wanted to build a shelter & live off the land, but just don't have "farm buying" kind of money,
we'd like to give you the chance.


We welcome questions about Seed Camp & will be posting more information as it becomes available.

Seed camp is a temporary residence program from now until at least Spring of 2023.

To apply, please send an email to - subject line "SEED CAMP"

Please include as much information about yourself as possible!!
Your current situation, interests, hobbies, personality & beliefs, current occupation, ambitions/goals,
skills, special needs, dietary habits, addictions, passions & anything you would like us to know about you
will all help us to determine if seed camp is a fit for you.


We do have rules. All particpants must sign a release of liability & conduct agreement.

This is not a commune, it is a sustainable community development.
Our rules are similar to what would be expected in any village or Homeowner's Association agreement.

1. You must obey local & federal laws.
We have seen people lose their land & go to prison because they had casual knowledge of illegal activity on their land.
If we become aware of Illegal activity on the land, you will be asked to leave at the very least.

2. No Stealing. Thieves are not welcome & anyone caught stealing will be banned from F.O.F. lands.

3. No violence. No one is perfect & disagreements happen, however physical & verbal violence will not be tolerated.
Open screaming in anger is forbidden. Everyone has their own space & should keep to it if they can't communicate peacefully.
If it's a matter of importance, either party can seek mediation from the community council.

4. No unauthorized substances in our water treatment system, on our soil, or in our streams.
Sustainable, biodegradable cleaning & personal products must be used, unless required medically or legally for sanitary reasons.

5. Respect one another's space. All residents have their own space & have the right to freedom & privacy.
The council does reserve the right to a walk through to ensure compliance with our rules & the well being of the land & it's residents.

6. Clean up after yourself. Anyone caught leaving a mess in a community areas will have to do community service &/or pay fines.
You are also expected to keep your living space reasonably clean & free of pests & rodents, that could threaten other residents & crops.
In extreme cases the council would consider lease termination. No one is going to clean up after you.

7. Be respectful. No yelling in anger, especially in public areas, clean up after yourself, no derogatory name calling,
rascism or bigotry will not be tolerated.

8. Any use of natural materials from the land, or permanant alterations to the land must be approved by council.

9. Even on shared land that is paid for there are expenses. All residents must contribute in some way to cover shared expenses.
Some of these expenses are taxes, insurance, shared utilities, general maitenance, trash disposal & water treament.
The amount of input required by residents is expected to change over time & is dependent on how much space they occupy & their needs.
We are still not sure what is an appropriate time trade for this,
but are considering a basic residency requirement of 15 hours per month community service to participate in Seed Camp.
This would not include personal trash disposal or any shared food preparation & clean up from shared meals.
We are not really expecting anyone to truly share expenses at this point,
but this small offering of time ensures that our first residents are not going to be a complete drain on this project.

Multiple or severe rule violations could result in eviction, by rule of council.
In which case, permanent residents would be entitled to sell or transfer their lifetime lease,
& land improvements they built, to a community approved party.

Details of lifetime leases & long term residency will be defined fully by the time we begin Phase 2 of this developement.
It is our intention to offer every security of private home ownership, while preserving a peaceful & sustainable space for all of our residents.

More about our flagship development in South Central Kentucky

We have a lot planned for this little stretch of land!
We are building a village! We will be using a variety of sustainable building techniques to build up this village.
There will be some tree house homes, earthship & "hobbit hole" inspired homes, using cob, straw bale, rammed earth, etc..
We will be doing sustainable living & building workshops as well as health retreats & festivals & other events on site.
Shops, Workshops, dry camping, RV camping, permanent residence, parks, community recreation areas & cooperative facilities
for metallurgy, woodworking & sustainable goods production will all be a part of this village.

Thanks for reading! More to come..

Free Organic Farms is a private sustainability & human rights research & development project.
This is a voluntary program & we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.
Participation in Free Organic Farms & our affiliate projects offer no guarantee of any kind, details, rules & requirements are subject to change at any time.